Command List

Information regarding boii_base server commands.

/vehicle [vehicle_name]

Command to spawn a vehicle with given name.

boii.register_command('vehicle', {'all'}, 'Spawn a vehicle.', {{name = 'vehicle', help = 'Name of vehicle to spawn, if no name is provided adder will spawn.'}}, function(source, args, raw)
    local _src = source
    local model = args[1] or "adder"
    TriggerClientEvent('boii_base:cl:spawn_vehicle', _src, model)


Command to "logout" of the server and return back to the character selection screen.

boii.register_command('logout', {'all'}, 'Return to the character creation menu.', {}, function(source, args, raw)
    local _src = source
    local license = boii.get_identifier(_src, 'license2')
    local unique_id = boii.get_unique_id(license)
    boii.connected_users[_src] = nil
    boii.place_player_in_temp_bucket(_src, unique_id)
    TriggerClientEvent('boii_base:cl:open_character_create', _src)

Last updated